from speech:
"The stereotype that's out there that people who live in poverty are lazy and irresponsible is just not the truth," he said later at a fundraiser for New Hampshire House Democrats.
"I don't claim to have all the answers for poverty," he said. "But I am absolutely certain there's a hunger in this country. A hunger to be inspired again."
Edwards also described his recent trip to New Orleans with 700 college students to help with the cleanup of Hurricane Katrina, saying the tragedy has opened a window of opportunity to do something about poverty.
"The American people understand something that the crowd of politicians in Washington do not understand: that when we help the victims of the hurricane on the Gulf Coast, or when we do something about the millions of people in poverty, this is not something we do for them," he said. "It's something we do for us, because the truth is it makes us bigger and stronger."