group ratings.
I contrasted it with Sen. McCain, Sen. Lieberman and Sen. Clinton.
First is Peace Majority – a compilation of scores from a number of different peace groups – see website: /
Sen. George Allen: Final Score: 4.0/98.0 votes= 4%
Sen. John McCain: Final Score: 4.0/95.0 votes= 4%
Sen. Hillary Clinton: Final Score: 59.0/98.0 votes=60%
Sen. Joseph Lieberman: Final Score: 15.0/62.0 votes=24%
This is courtesy of project vote smart - link:
2004 Senator Allen supported the interests of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation 0 percent in 2004.
2004 Senator McCain supported the interests of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation 0 percent in 2004.
2004 Senator Lieberman supported the interests of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation 33 percent in 2004.
“Senator Clinton supported the interests of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation 67 percent in 2004.
2004 Senator Allen supported the interests of the Peace Action 0 percent in 2004.
2004 Senator McCain supported the interests of the Peace Action 13 percent in 2004.
2004 Senator Lieberman supported the interests of the Peace Action 38 percent in 2004
Senator Clinton supported the interests of the Peace Action 75 percent in 2004.
2004 Senator Allen supported the interests of the National Abortion Reproductive Rights Action League 0 percent in 2004
2004 Senator McCain supported the interests of the National Abortion Reproductive Rights Action League 0 percent in 2004.
2004 Senator Lieberman supported the interests of the National Abortion Reproductive Rights Action League 100 percent in 2004
2004 Senator Clinton supported the interests of the National Abortion Reproductive Rights Action League 100 percent in 2004.
2003-2004 Senator Allen supported the interests of the American Civil Liberties Union 0 percent in 2003-2004.
2003-2004 Senator McCain supported the interests of the American Civil Liberties Union 22 percent in 2003-2004.
2003-2004 Senator Lieberman supported the interests of the American Civil Liberties Union 83 percent in 2003-2004.
2003-2004 Senator Clinton supported the interests of the American Civil Liberties Union 78 percent in 2003-2004
2004 Senator Allen supported the interests of the Americans for Democratic Action 15 percent in 2004..
2004 Senator McCain supported the interests of the Americans for Democratic Action 35 percent in 2004.
2004 Senator Lieberman supported the interests of the Americans for Democratic Action 75 percent in 2004.
2004 Senator Clinton supported the interests of the Americans for Democratic Action 95 percent in 2004.
2004 Senator Allen supported the interests of the AFL-CIO 17 percent in 2004.
2004 Senator McCain supported the interests of the AFL-CIO 33 percent in 2004.
2004 Senator Lieberman supported the interests of the AFL-CIO 83 percent in 2004.
2004 Senator Clinton supported the interests of the AFL-CIO 100 percent in 2004.
2004 Senator Allen supported the interests of the United Auto Workers 9 percent in 2004
2004 Senator McCain supported the interests of the United Auto Workers 9 percent in 2004.
2004 Senator Lieberman supported the interests of the United Auto Workers 92 percent in 2004.
2004 Senator Clinton supported the interests of the United Auto Workers 110 percent in 2004
2003-2004 Senator Allen supported the interests of the National Education Association 25 percent in 2003-2004.
2003-2004 Senator McCain supported the interests of the National Education Association 35 percent in 2003-2004.
2003-2004 Senator Lieberman supported the interests of the National Education Association 88 percent in 2003-2004.
2003-2004 Senator Clinton supported the interests of the National Education Association 85 percent in 2003-2004.
2003-2004 Senator Allen supported the interests of the Human Rights Campaign 13 percent in 2003-2004.
2003-2004 Senator McCain supported the interests of the Human Rights Campaign 25 percent in 2003-2004.
2003-2004 Senator Lieberman supported the interests of the Human Rights Campaign 88 percent in 2003-2004.
2003-2004 Senator Clinton supported the interests of the Human Rights Campaign 88 percent in 2003-2004.
2003-2004 Senator Allen supported the interests of the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights 7 percent in 2003-2004.
2003-2004 Senator McCain supported the interests of the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights 14 percent in 2003-2004.
2003-2004 Senator Lieberman supported the interests of the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights 95 percent in 2003-2004.
2003-2004 Senator Clinton supported the interests of the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights 100 percent in 2003-2004
2004 Senator Allen supported the interests of the Arab American Institute 0 percent in 2004.
2004 Senator McCain supported the interests of the Arab American Institute 0 percent in 2004.
2004 Senator Lieberman supported the interests of the Arab American Institute 50 percent in 2004.
2004 Senator Clinton supported the interests of the Arab American Institute 25 percent in 2004.
2003-2004 Senator Allen supported the interests of the League of Conservation Voters 0 percent in 2003-2004.
2003-2004 Senator McCain supported the interests of the League of Conservation Voters 56 percent in 2003-2004
2003-2004 Senator Lieberman supported the interests of the League of Conservation Voters 56 percent in 2003-2004.
2003-2004 Senator Clinton supported the interests of the League of Conservation Voters 92 percent in 2003-2004.
2004 Senator Allen supported the interests of the Christian Coalition 100 percent in 2004.
2004 Senator McCain supported the interests of the Christian Coalition 83 percent in 2004.
2004 Senator Lieberman supported the interests of the Christian Coalition 0 percent in 2004.
2004 Senator Clinton supported the interests of the Christian Coalition 0 percent in 2004.
2004 Senator Allen supported the interests of the American Conservative Union 92 percent in 2004.
2004 Senator McCain supported the interests of the American Conservative Union 72 percent in 2004.”
2004 Senator Lieberman supported the interests of the American Conservative Union 0 percent in 2004..
2004 Senator Clinton supported the interests of the American Conservative Union 0 percent in 2004