Apprently, according to one Daily Kos diarist, Hillary was given money from the Tan family, a wealthy textile group that operates in the Mariana Islands. They also have ties to Jack Abramoff and to Tom DeLay. Now, I don't know why exactly they would donate money to Hillary (the dates of the family member's donations, interestingly, coincides with the week after Tom DeLay's indictment....maybe they donated to her to give bipartisan "cover" to help the GOP) but this has the potential to be used against us in a "Abramoff helped both sides" bullshit meme. Deborah Howell will be licking her chops once she get a hold of this. So will Chris Matthews and Wolf Blitzer. If this situation is what the Daily Kos diarist claims it is, then Hillary must give back all of the Tan money. We already have Cynthia McKinney and Mollohan in trouble in ways that could undermine us fighting against the corrupt Republicans, but we don't need another "Democrats took Abramoff-related money" talkingpoint. PLEASE DON'T TURN THIS INTO A HILLARY-BASHING THREAD. It's bad enough that the knee-jerk Hillary-haters over at DKos did this to the diarist's thread. Please, use constructive criticism of Hillary, and be sure to call her office and notify her that she has tainted money, and ask her to give it back!