Resolution urges Bush's ousterAUGUSTA -- The question was whether to accept a resolution to impeach President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney. . .
"We rather quickly ran out of cons," said Rita Moran of Winthrop, chairperson of the Kennebec County Democratic Committee. . .
More Dems in Maine get it!
Must impaach Bush & Cheney
Impeachment is not just the RIGHT thing to do, it's the WINNING thing to do!!
Help the members of Congress that represent you and the Candidates you support see the light. Challenge their bogus rationalizations for deriliction of duty.
. . .Rarely, if ever, do we hear that taking up the fight to initiate impeachment proceedings will benefit any leader who does so. This omission is mystifying, particularly because there is solid evidence that fighting for impeachment is a political winner.
- Being an accomplice to crime is NEVER good politics.
Our leaders just need to look at their failure to take a stand against the Iraq war for proof. The public believes that most of them voted for the war because they feared they would be called names ("unpatriotic" or whatever). They are now paying a serious price for giving in to threats of "backlash" then.
There are reports that our leaders are allowing the same fear to deter them from taking up the fight for impeachment. ("We can't demand an impeachment inquiry. If we do they'll call us unpatriotic for attacking a president in a time of war").
If our leaders do not overcome this fear and act, they will be digging themselves into a hole they may never get out of.
When we find out the magnitude of the crimes committed by the Bush administration (and we will, sooner or later) do they really want to pay the political price for being accomplices in those crimes?
- Standing on principle always benefits the leader who does so.
As President Clinton says, people will always choose "strong and wrong" over "weak and right." It's certainly no secret that of what legitimate support Bush gets, much of it is simply based on a, carefully crafted, "strong leader" perception.
Should the Democratic Party finally recognize that they have a duty to take up the fight for impeachment, even if it turns out to be a "charge of the light brigade," it would not be surprising to see them garner an additional 5-7% of the white male vote, simply for showing the fortitude that demographic respects.
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