This article appeared some time ago and explains the greed behind the Health Modernizartion Act that passed in the Senate HELP committee in March 11-9. This bill will come to the senate floor in early May(1-5).Here is a link to the real details you need to know on a health care bill that is really a LOOSE your health care bill, even stripping you of the right to sue your insurer and the states right to protect you against predatory junk health plans. You will be at the mercy of the insurance industry because of the money the NFIB stands to gain if the Enzi bill is passed. And interestingly there are insurance organizations who are against this bill, such as Group Health Incorporated,HIP Health Plan of New York, Independent Health Association. /
Wall Street Journal
May 28, 2003
by Tom Hamburger
Trade Group Poses Health Plan --- Members' Insurance Could Cost Less-but Skirt States' Oversight
The National Federation of Independent Business has sold Republicans on a conservative answer to expanding health coverage: a new kind of insurance policy that trade associations could offer members.
**What they don't emphasize is the significant benefits this could provide the NFIB, a major Republican Party benefactor. If the Bush administration and congressional leaders push association health plans into law, the NFIB could reap more than $100 million of annual revenue by selling policies, according to one estimate. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is among dozens of business groups also considering getting in on the action.
**Increased revenue and other benefits are already a hot topic among Republican-friendly business organizations, if not in the debate on Capitol Hill. "What's in it for your association?" boomed consultant Don Dressler, at a meeting of trade-organization executives in Washington. "Membership retention and growth." Seventy percent of businesses that recently joined one California-based trade association, he said, did so because the association offered its members health insurance.
Critics see little profit for the health-care system as a whole. They warn that pending legislation, which would allow the association health plans (AHPs) to escape burdensome state regulation in favor of lighter federal oversight, could lead to a proliferation of cheaper, bare-bones insurance policies that will draw a disproportionate number of healthier, younger workers. That, in turn, could increase financial burdens on more-comprehensive state-regulated plans by leaving them with an older, sicker and thus more expensive pool of covered workers.
But Republicans, under renewed attack from Democrats on the health-care issue, have adopted AHPs as a central part of their agenda for shrinking the ranks of the uninsured. The bill, which has cleared the House three times before, is expected to pass that chamber easily next month. And backers have hopes of improving prospects in the Senate, which hasn't scheduled a floor vote on the matter previously.
Many trade associations currently offer members insurance, but usually they do so through policies that are sold to those within a single state. The AHP legislation would permit small businesses to band together across state lines and purchase policies through their association.