I keep seeing on DU so many who will broadly criticize those "draconian" welfare reforms passed under the Clinton Administration, and can't help but wonder why some people are so adamant about it.
I understand that some were taken off out of the system that shouldn't have been, but yet...there were always some that couldn't get on, and others that shouldn't have been there in the first place.
The selling of Food Stamps to use the money for things unauthorized like tobacco or even drugs, was running rampant throughout the system, is just one example of wide-spread abuse that I have personally witnessed.
But more importantly...MUCH more importantly...is the fact that so many people went from welfare-to-work! And most were not just burger flipping jobs, they were jobs that not only allowed people to be more self-reliant, but more involved in the welfare of our country. They were not only off the welfare rolls, but back IN the taxpaying rolls. That meant not being a pull on the economy, but actually swinging 180 degrees and putting money back IN instead.
And that is something that TRICKLE-DOWN ECONOMICS can NEVER, EVER DO!! Mainly because nothing ever trickles down below the CEO levels.
That is why we experienced, under President Clinton, the longest peace-time economic growth period in American history! That is how his administration was able to creat 25,000,000+ new jobs during the Clinton years.
That, on a personal note, is how during my late thirties and early forties, I was able to do so much better financially than at any time before, and definitely since!
Was it a perfect program? Of course not. But was it better that the OLD plan? Heck yes!! Was it ever planned on being the "end-game" in welfare reform? Absolutely NOT!
The Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld bloodless coup of 2000 brought it to a complete halt. And that was because we got a "government" that didn't care about the poor OR the middle-class. One that the economy was so far down their list of priorities that it will take YEARS to surface again!
People don't just always need a hand-out. Sometimes that just need a helping-hand to get them going. Others aren't that lucky, and it is incumbent on us as taxpayers and Americans to help those folks who have no other survival options available to them.
I am a big believer in "NO AMERICAN LEFT BEHIND"!! And the more folks that we can get on tax rolls to help, the better. Whether that is non-taxpayers from the bottom, or those non-taxpayers that Bush calls "his base".