Something about it really really pisses me off.
Part of it is probably your "sleepy talk" characterization. C'mon, Wt2. This wasn't a stump speech. It was a conversation between two individuals. Two, I might add, who been among the most consistently courageous in standing up for Democratic values. And more importantly, no where in this discussion did they compromise those values in any way, shape or form. Their focus on the issue may have been more narrow than you would have preferred, but there's only so much you can cover in a 10 minute audio.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, I can understand the frustration and anger at Dems who back off from progressive opinions when they are addressing a wider audience. I don't understand condemning them when they are trying to get a truly progressive message out to those same people.
I agree with you that Bush is not the problem, altho I think he's a big part of it. Or maybe I should say that all the forces that put him in office, especially for a second term, is the part. Point is, I would never discount the whole Big Oil political machinery that keeps Bush, and guys like Bush, in power.
I also agree that some Democrats are beholden to, "big money, big corporations and big oil." But there is NO doubt in my mind that if Democrats were in power, even with the guilty ones playing their roles, we would be a world ahead of where we are now as far as the environment is concerned. And for God's sake, if there were ever two Democrats who are not guilty, it would be these two. Your objection has merit, but it is ill-placed in this thread. Seems to me there is only the opportunity to post an objection because these two raised the issue--where are the threads about what other Democrats are saying in which you could similarly rant?
Boxer and Clark have both spoken out against greed and imperialism. They have both called many times for alternative energy, and the money to develop it. They have both condemned the secrecy within the Bush administration that has allowed many of the illegal decisions on energy and war to be made. They are both working very hard to win a Democratic Congress, which imo is the ONLY thing that will lead to progress, whether bigger issues are addressed or not.
I am SO tired of activists who are quicker to condemn the Democrats who are trying to make a difference than the Repubs who are doing the greatest damage, or the people in both parties who don't give a damn, just because they didn't say the precise thing, in the precise way, that the activist wanted to hear.