Inspired by his recent op-ed calling the neocons neo-Jacobins responsible for a "Reign of Terror."
I appreciate your blunt assessment of the neocons and their reign of terror as you described it in your recent op-ed.
There is one other area that you have touched on before, but needs an op-ed length piece by someone of your stature
because none in Congress seem willing to say we invaded Iraq for oil.You mentioned in a speech that if we hadn't invaded now, we would have a few years down the road for the oil.
Right now, people have to scour the internet to find the sources that document the oil machinations in Iraq, and probably the best work was done by Naomi Klein and Greg Palast of the BBC. In Palast's most recent story, CIA oil analyst Robert Ebel provided the documentation to prove that the goal of the war was to prop up the price of oil rather than bring it down.'s timeline of US meetings on Iraq's oil, along with interviews with players like Grover Norquist and Gen. Jay Garner: was confirmed by a newly released portion of one of the Downing Street Minutes of meetings with President Bush, in which he sent reassurances to President Putin that the war wouldn't increase the supply and decrease the price of oil. to say, plundering another nation's natural resources is a war crime, and cancelling Saddam's oil contracts with France and Russia and restructuring Iraq's oil industry to suit our oil companies with a gun to the Iraqis head must qualify as plunder.
The Hague Convention of 1907 (IV) see articles 47, 53, 55 Geneva Convention of 1949 (IV) we've broken almost every section of article 147, and Bush has personally broken article 148. may or may not be precisely what is going on, but until the real economic and geopolitical goals of the war enter the mainstream public discourse, we do not have a democracy. We have a Potemkin Village where the real decisions are made behind closed doors while the regular people are fed fairly tales about WMD and one legged terrorists stirring up people who would otherwise be glad to be occupied (and no mention them being robbed blind in the process).
Thank you for doing your duty to your country by speaking out. Help prevent the next war by saying EXACTLY why we got into this one without the embarrassing and insulting lies about WMD, terrorism, or spreading democracy.