Thirty-two percent. Let me repeat that:
Thirty-two percent. Between six and seven out of every ten Americans don't approve of the job the
Decider-in-Chief is doing. That number is growing. And it won't be going up, either. Not if you have anything to do with it.
That noise you're hearing is the collective grumbling of the American people. They're ready. They're ready to hear a positive, progressive message of change. They're ready to be shown that the Republican Party is the problem, not government itself. They're ready to remember what it was like when those in power served
them, not a fringe minority and the special interests.
They've been ready for quite some time, too. What got them there?
Iraq. They've been paying attention. They realize that the problem isn't the lack of "good news" coming from Iraq. No, the problem, as they see it, is that there
isn't any good news to report. They know this because they're starting to realize that the promises their government made simply haven't come true, the evidence not there. Iraq,
they realize, is a policy failure of massive proportions. A Republican failure.
What's more, this realization has opened their minds to everything else the Republican Party is doing wrong. The party of the trickle-down effect is now feeling the sting of having each and every one of their troubles drip into the national consciousness. Katrina. Warrantless wiretapping. Crony capitalism. Lying. Cheating. Stealing. All there for the nation to see ... and absorb.
With this past as prologue, they're reacting differently when they see the Republicans in power
panicking. Republicans are panicking about the threat Iran poses and are on the verge of a second pre-emptive war, a war with much more frightening consequences. Republicans are panicking on immigration and are confronting a complex issue with simplistic, racist solutions. Republicans are panicking on the coming election and have decided to pander to their extremist base's prejudices to stay in power.
Americans see this and marvel at the disconnect. They wonder how flag burning is a more pressing threat than roadside bombs. They wonder why Mexicans pursuing a better life are being painted as terrorists. They wonder what threat two loving Americans who happen to share the same sex pose that's worse than exploding gas prices. They're aching for a party that has their best interests in mind. And that party is ours.
They're willing to listen, but what are you going to do to
get them to listen? Are you going to keep playing this game not to lose? Or are you going to seize the opportunity so graciously given you by a failing Republican Party and shape the debate on
our terms? Like a punch-weary boxer, Republicans are staggering, dazed and on the verge of falling. Are you going to bail them out and let the bell ring? Or are you going to step up, throw a vicious combination and watch the crowd go wild as you knock the Republican Party out?
Well, guys, that bell is fast approaching. A little over six months away, in fact. Americans, aching for a new champion, are ready to see what we've got to offer. So let's offer it. Don't be fearful. Don't be weak. And don't panic. That's what the Republicans do. The time is right. Take it to them.