Arguments Against Impeachment...
•But won't we then get President Cheney??
Any impeachment process would include Cheney, and probably Rumsfeld and Rice. It would also disgrace the entire Bush Administration.
•We should wait until after Democrats take office in the November elections, or else we'll seem too 'extreme.'
Shedding light on Bush's crimes and the Republican party's complicity in those crimes is the best way to get democrats elected. Demanding impeachment is one effective way of doing that. Secondly, demanding that crimes be investigated IS NOT extreme.
Further, waiting until November will leave us complicit in any further crimes Bush commits. The Union of Concerned Scientists has estimated that the death toll from a "tactical" nuclear weapon of the kind Bush is contemplating using in Iran would be at minimum 3 million men, women, and children. The path of death would stretch across country boundaries into India.
Also, there's no guarantee Democrats will take office in November.
•It'll never happen.
Today's impossibility is tomorrow's reality. All we need is for a few Republican Congress members to realize that tying their political future to Bush reduces their chances of getting elected. Remember, one way or another, Bush is gone by 2008 — but members of Congress may retain their offices beyond that date. Bush's poll numbers are extremely low, and most Americans support impeachment. This means that if we make the pressure unbearable for Republican members of Congress, they'll turn on him to keep their own seats (like they did with Nixon).
Also, making sure you can look back and be proud of your opposition to this tyranny is worth its weight in gold.
•It hurts the democracy to go through a presidential impeachment.
Holding government officials accountable for their actions strengthens our democracy. Letting lawlessness stand weakens it.
•If we don't support our president, we aid the terrorists.
We support terrorism when we fail to deal with its root causes (poverty, lack of education, support of dictatorships, etc.). We also support it by enabling a president who creates breeding grounds for terrorists — like Iraq has now become, thanks to our invasion and occupation. Middle Eastern countries upset with the oppressive international policies of the past and current administration might think better of the U.S. if we appeared to learn from our mistakes by impeaching a president who has been so instrumental in that oppression.
You can do your part, don’t wait for your representatives to act. You can have the same legal impact as your state passing a resolution to impeach. Don’t wait for your representatives at the national OR state wide level. Do it YOURSELF. How? We’ve found a loop hole in the legal process, it allows you to DIRECTLY initiate the impeachment process by sending in a document found here: