B*...Right?...no, President Clinton!
Read what our new White House Press Secretary had to say about President Clinton:
Article by Tony Snow from February 18, 1999 on infolding Clinton impeachment:
"If the relationship was consensual, why did Monica behave more like a woman scared than a woman smitten? Why did she keep the semen-encrusted dress? Why did she tell others she feared for her life? And why did she inexplicably get the sack at the White House? Was this a classic case of punishing the paramour? And finally, does "consensual" mean OK? If so, did anybody seek Mrs. Clinton's approval or opinion?
On the "nobody's business" front, consider this: The president feared a foreign government had overheard his sick-puppy phone sex. Despite this, he continued panting into the mouthpiece, thus putting national security after his craving for a jolt of quivering transport.
Then he dispatched aides to lie. He misled his lawyer. He stood by quietly while Larry Flynt -- whose magazine once featured a cover illustration of a woman being lowered into a meat grinder -- and James Carville threatened wayward Republicans. He knew of threats to other women, including Kathleen Willey.
Call me quaint, but if the president is leading a ring that uses women as sex toys then cuffs them around to ensure their silence, I think that's a matter of concern.
Of course this affair was about sex. It also was about perjury, violation of public trust, obstruction of justice, abuse of power, national security and bipartisan moral cowardice. So how will we remember it, and what lessons will we learn? The left has developed a game plan. Has anybody on the right done the same?"