Here is a thread I posted earlier this month. It got exactly three people involved .... including me. point of the thread was to support DEMOCRATIC PARTY candidates. There was no litmus test to who it suggested you support. Hell, it could be said to call for support for Zell Miller, were he running for something.
The thread dropped like a stone.
But this thread - also mine - was made for the purpose of demonstrating what was, in my mind, a way to put some pressure on the heart of the party to make voting machines a real focus going into the midterms. It was not about a candidate or any lack of support for the party. But the main point was apparently missed by some and it soon devolved into sheer stupidity and a study in hero worship: are now seeing threads that proffer an opposite view. To be ridiculously over simplistic, they might be called 'Dem at any cost" threads. I won't link to them because the threads aren't mine. But I'm sure you can find them. Just look for the threads like the second link in this post and then look for a similar thread title, but where "do" is substituted for 'don't".
Does anyone think for a moment that the people starting either flavor of thread is any less DEMOCRATIC PARTY partisan than the other?
What is the difference?
And why did that first linked thread drop like a stone? I ask not because it is my thread - I have had more than my share get great hits and make it to the greatest page - but because it was a non-threatening, non-'withhold-your-money', non-candidate-specific, positive suggestion to actually DO something. Was it a lack of controversy?
And as to who might be the better recipient for your bux or mine, it may well be VERY helpful to have a place where we can all point someone to learn who all the 'initials' are ...... the DNC, the DLC, the DCCC, the DSCC, the DLCC, etc., etc., etc.
And by the way .... just for the record, groups like Moveon or the various 'lists' and similar non-party progressive organizations, while good and while worthy of support, are outside this discussion. They are, quite simply, not a part of the DEMOCRATIC PARTY infrastructure.
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