at the pumps and what to do about it.
The Republicans' method of helping consumers is by going after Bush to look into price gouging and to punish any gas stations who get caught screwing people at their pumps. Talk about a bandaid solution.
Democrats want the government to go after the oil companies and Bush's convenient tax subsidy bill that got passed last year giving EVEN MORE OBSCENE TAX BREAKS to the oil people, something like an additional two billion dollars in breaks for them from the previous year alone. Considering that 3 oil companies alone made a combined 100 billion dollars in annual profits, I don't think that the oil industry needs MORE tax breaks!!!
Senator Bill Nelson, Democrat from Florida, and CNN News did a good job this morning alluding to this, but good gawd, we need more Democrats speaking out on this and driving the point home to the sheeple. It's simply a golden opportunity to show the difference between our side and the wrong side.
Democrats really are different, and this is an opportunity to take advantage by going after the BIG BOYS, not just the gas stations. Let's hope we hear more and more from our spokespeople like I did from Bill Nelson on CNN this morning. People will jump on our bandwagon for the effort. Clark, Kerry, Hillary, Biden, Lieberman, Boxer, ALL OF THEM, should be going for the jugular on this one!
If the people perceive Democrats vs Republicans as David going after Goliath (the oil people), who do you think they're gonna pull for?