is included as food for thought. A lot of Americans have been puzzled by the recent surge in gas prices. Gas prices have risen to new heights for the American consumer, while amazingly, an American oil and gas corporation, ExxonMobil has made the most in the world for 2004 revenue, profits and market value. Interestingly, a lot of people that I interviewed outside of the United States believe that the U.S. is in Iraq for the oil. ExxonMobil and its growth from 2003 to 2004, is compared in the following graph to another powerful U.S. company, General Electric (GE). GE wins the top status for world assets owned.
2004 Figures from Fortune, April 18, 2005, pp. F1-F2. 2003 figures from Fortune April 5, 2004, pp. F1-F2.
GE is reported to have the 3rd largest lobby. The GE corporation owns the most assets in world because they own a lot. GE likes to call it diversification, others call it monopoly. GE owns healthcare manufacturing devices such as X-ray and MRI machines. GE reportedly recently sold its healthcare insurance division because it was not bringing in enough profit. Regardless, they have a very strong corporate healthcare lobby. This does not change with the administration, nor with a change in Congress.
GE also owns 80% of the NBC - Universal media empire. GE brings you news about healthcare and foreign policy, often deemphasizing the main problems, or oversimplifying and ignoring critical issues. They also rely heavily upon advertising revenue for profit. They also run television shows like ER (Emergency Room). ER is one of the more popular TV network shows in the States.
GE also manufactures weapons of war, including electrical trigger devices for bombs as well as engines for fighter planes, tanks and aircraft carriers. Interestingly, many Americans rely on these profit driven networks for news, (the documentary Growing Democracy shows how NBC slanted the reporting in favor of Bush after the Bush-Kerry debate on foreign affairs.)
GE also was the parent company for WorldCom, which underwent the largest corporate bankruptcy in the world. NBC under reported on this. GE also has the largest number of Superfund sites, meaning they have polluted the nation of America to horrific levels. GE, however has found that it is more profitable for their corporation to employ a team of lawyers and tie up the process in the courts, than it is to clean up the site