him, so he had to go.
If Kerry said the Iraqis want us to leave than his threat makes no more sense than make the same threat to a S. Vietnamese government in 1969.
The issue is not that the Iraqis are dawdling, or the implication that they are incompetent at self-government or military affairs.
Those in the government are walking a tightrope, with an American gun in their face and an Iraqi knife at their back. If they are too compliant to our wishes, they will be shot, car-bombed, or something of the like. If they stand up for Iraqis too much, the Bushies will clamor for them to be removed from office or worse.
Have you noticed that while the Iraqis can't seem to get it together in the military units we are training, but seem to be doing pretty well as insurgents? They have had a military before. The problem is not training, but what they are fighting for. They aren't stupid. They know they are fighting for us, not the Iraqis.
Maybe people in DC fool themselves into believing their own bullshit, but it is fooling fewer and fewer people outside the beltway.
If you want to see things shake out, a couple of things would have to happen:
- the Bushies would have to renounce any claim to permanent bases and stop work on them now (something Kerry admirably said in the debates).
- the Bushies promise not to favor one party over another in any upcoming election or selection of leaders in the winning party.
- the Iraqis will be free to determine if the Constitution they wrote with a gun in their face is still legitimate after we leave, and what threshhold of vote is needed to amend it.
- any restructuring of Iraq's economy will be rescinded, and the companies currently pumping oil will convert to fee for service, not any kind of profit sharing arrangement until all American troops have left. After that, the Iraqis will be free to pick oil companies from any country they choose to pump their oil.
These things won't be done. The oil companies are going to stay until the suck out every last drop of oil, and have our troops salt the earth with depleted uranium until every Iraqi baby is born a deformed freak that can't survive outside the womb, and half our troops kids look like that too.
I think Kerry is a good guy, and for someone with his high profile, he has come close to being honest about the oil issue.
But close to honest isn't a real democracy. Either he fears for his life if he lays it out directly, he thinks we need to hold on to Iraq's oil (which I doubt and hope isn't true), or he thinks we are too fucking stupid to talk to us like adults.
But it's not really that complicated. Oil companies wanted Iraq's oil so they could profit from it as the world's supply declined, and so they could regulate the flow to keep the price up.
Not for our economy or national security, for their bottom line.
and they did it on our dime, with our soldiers lives.
Why is that so hard to say? I just did it in three sentences, and all of them can be easily documented.
I want to believe Kerry and other Dems hearts are in the right place, and Schumer saying the other day that we should break up the oil companies was heartening, but it is discouraging to hear them generally speak in the bullshit terms of debate that the Bushies set.
The Bushies do not care about democracy in Iraq. They want a compliant government that follows orders.
Obviously, their concern for terrorism and WMD is even more insincere.
Whenever the Bushies or reporters start talking about those propaganda frames, Democrats should ignore it and talk about Iraq's oil. If your country only had one thing of value and it was being stolen, wouldn't you be mad?
How fucking stupid do you think people are? It is hard to consider someone a leader who is still lying to me, even if he is doing the right things behind the scenes.