Perhaps you might have noticed an earlier post where the right is blaming former President "Eight Years of Peace and Prosperity, 73% approval rating the day after his impeachment" Clinton for the Duke lacross rape case.
Now, I guess to draw attention away from President George "FOX news 33% approval rating and lying SOB" Bush's domestic woes, the high gas prices are now Clinton's fault.
From NewsHounds:
In a Hannity & Colmes segment billed as (to paraphrase) “no more whining, it’s time to look at constructive solutions to high gas prices,” it took substitute co-host Mike Gallagher less than 10 seconds to blame Bill Clinton.
In another example of FOX News' idea of "fair and balanced," the only guest was Republican Congressman Jack Kingston. Alan Colmes started the discussion by saying, “Now that it’s after heating season and people have paid enormous prices to heat their homes, many who can’t afford it - after Republicans have taken oil money, and after Republicans killed a Democratic proposal to make price-gouging a national crime – a federal crime – now all of a sudden – Isn’t that like closing the barn door after the animals leave?”
Kingston claimed that Republicans passed an anti-price gouging bill in October, 2005 “which did not get one single Democrat vote.” Comment: I did a quick bit of research on this and did not find the bill Kingston was referring to but I suspect it contained drilling in ANWR. Perhaps the readers can shed some light on this.
When it was Gallagher’s turn, he began by saying, “Congressman, Alan sort of paints a picture that it’s the Republicans who have been the obstacle over energy measures. We know that for eight years under Bill Clinton, there was little or nothing done under his watch as far as trying to face this problem.” Comment: And just how much WAS a gallon of gas under Bill Clinton? My recollection is it was under $2.00 a gallon.
Not surprisingly, Kingston agreed. As the conversation moved toward ANWR, Kingston said, “Just keep in mind President Clinton vetoed the bill that would have allowed us to explore for oil in Alaska eight years ago, in 1995. Now if that had passed, we would have a 20% higher domestic supply of oil today.”
Comment: This seems to be an overly optimistic assessment of the ANWR potential, which in the government's best case scenario, estimates that oil from ANWR would provide about 6% of the amount of our imported petroleum in 20-30 years after the onset of production.