From Blogcritics:"Budget Surplus" is a phrase never used in mixed company (i.e. Republicans with Democrats). The budget surplus is what the Republican Congress proudly claimed as theirs, not President Clinton's, from the steps of the Capitol Building. In the late 90s the budget surplus was the direct result of their "Contract with America"... well that is until GW spent it all at Halliburton. Now the political right wing would rather we didn't mention it, and if we do, they claim it didn't really exist anyway and was just on paper--shhhhhhh!
"Your facts are erroneous" is a phrase used most often when they know Democrats are speaking the truth, but they haven't found time to "Google or Yahoo" something opposing from a right-wing slanted website to refute it yet.
"Knee-jerk reaction" translates to "They've intelligently reacted to something important before we did, causing us embarrassment, so we'll dismiss it as nothing in order to distract the public." The press is currently having a knee-jerk reaction to rising gas prices at the pump, but don't worry... soon it'll be "old news". (see below) Currently President Bush is stressing that we should leave prices as they are (no matter how high they go) and instead use conservation and alternate fuels. Thus we preserve "big oil's" profit line; which should cause another "knee jerk" reaction from the voting public.
"This is all just old news!" translates to "The public knows this is a problem we haven't even come close to solving yet, even though we've had plenty of time to look into it, so we'll just declare it unimportant!" Example, "New Orleans is old news"
"Impeding Free speech" translates to "Not permitting right-wing political or religious propaganda to be prominently displayed in public buildings".
See also:
"Violating the spirit of the First Amendment" which translates to using the "Free speech amendment" to allow such things as homosexual pornography, cuss words on the Sopranos, publishing books criticizing George Bush, Rush Limbaugh, Pat Robertson, or or or even The Los Angeles Times recently suggesting that Dick Cheney resign!, or the press' reporting of several state legislatures (so far Vermont, California, and Illinois) that have recently, or are planing to, call for the House of Representitives to prepare to look into Bush's impeachment.
"God created dinosaur bones, but not real dinosaurs!" Sorry, I just had to include this one after I nearly fell out of my chair laughing when I read it in print. A religious nut actually asserted that God created the bones, and then put them into the ground where we could find them, to test our faith because the actual animals never really existed!.