It seems ol' Mickey Mouse Chertoff, the cadaverous head of Faterland Sekurity, has been doin' it. Gittin'er done. Ondajob. Whutsee doin'?
New ID Cards.
DHS to check port workers against terrorist watch lists
By Zack Phillips
The Homeland Security Department will begin checking the identities of port workers for the first time under a rule announced Tuesday, and soon may take new action on a long-delayed program to issue identification cards for those who access sensitive areas of ports.
The department will begin asking all longshoremen and maritime employees of facility owners and operators - about 400,000 workers, according to DHS - for names and dates of birth to be checked against terrorist watch lists, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said Tuesday.
Criminal history checks and the collection of biometric information, such as fingerprints, will not be included. But Chertoff promised that the agency soon will publish rules - long awaited in industry circles - spelling out its approach to the Transportation Worker Identification Credential, a biometric-based and tamperproof identification card intended for truck drivers, rail workers and all those who must access sensitive areas of ports. That includes about 850,000 workers, according to DHS.
Chertoff reiterated his prediction that the department would begin issuing TWIC cards this year.
DHS has been criticized by Congress and industry for delays and cost increases in TWIC, conceived of shortly after Sept. 11, 2001. DHS issued about 4,000 TWIC cards to port workers during a prototype phase that ended last June, and industry representatives have been waiting since to hear exactly what kind of technology will be used.
<snip> local teevee station was saying something about 'plans' to run about 50% or 60% of the incoming containers through some kind of 'nukular' screening device (no doubt built by either Raytheon, General Dynamics, or some Hallibutron subsidiary).
So, we're 'sometime' gunna get 'some level' of container screening ...... but we are bygawd fershure gunna sniff every crotch of every port worker and make then hang mug shots around their brown necks.
I am SO FUCKING SICK of the smoke and mirrors bullshit we get from these traiterous thugs who are running our country ....... right into the Third World.