There is no one who has spoken as much about complying with international law than Kerry. Only in the case of an imminent attack did he think it was ok to attack. Kerry was one of the strongest voices in the summer of 2002 saying Bush had to go to the UN and congress.
As to Kerry's philosophy, here is an excerpt from his speech in Ireland earlier this year:
To meet these great challenges of terrorism and proliferation, we must reinvigorate alliances so we can marshal the collective will and resources of America and our allies.
The United States has been at its best when working together with other countries in an international system of global reach and power that links the security and welfare of all free nations around the world. It was this system that won the Cold War and made possible the incredible progress of the last 60 years. It is an approach that restores traditions that have passed the test of time -- and that is the message I take home with me after traveling the world from India to Pakistan to Iraq to Israel.
So as John Hume once said, “The challenge now is to grasp and shape history: to show that past
grievances and injustices can give way to a new generosity of spirit and action.” We have a long way to go before we have met the great challenges of the 21st Century.
But with inspired leadership and unwavering commitment, I believe that together we can create a world in which wars are rare; a world in which America and her allies are protected by alliances forged in common interest and purpose. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The line that we are strongest working with other countries should be familiar - it was in every speech and in the first debate.
Here's a link to the whole speech - you may find a lot to agree with. (In it Kerry articulates a philosophy that counters the "spreading democracy" PNAC philosophy. Kerry's respects other nations and cultures, but has it's own idealism. There was also a longer speech to the CFR that Reid highlighted as one of the Democratic policy speeches the week it was given.)