Media Matters has assembled an amazing compilation of quotes from the media's "Mission Accomplished" lovefest: the media cowed by years of Rethug whining about "liberal bias," we need to hold a mirror up to them, to bring back fairness and balance.
The most egregious sucking up to the GOP, of course, surrounded the run-up to, and the early days of, the Iraq War. Now, with the public overwhelmingly aware that the war is a quagmire, it's the right time for such retrospectives.
Does anyone know of a great compendium of rah-rah war quotes from *those* days, including the media's standing ovation for Colin Powell's shameful (I mean "compelling!") UN presentation and all the giddy "embedded" journalism during the ground assault?
Hey, the liberal light is always on at the Vast Left-Wing Conspiracy. Please stop by and say "hi!"