I'm sure you're correct about something else: our kids ARE going to wonder how fucking stupid we must have been to allow this man in office. I'm wondering if these shitheads don't cycle around, like a kind of perverted Halley's Comet (Halley's Vomit?) every fifty-or-so years. After all, wasn't it about that long since joe mccarthy and that grim red-baiting, witch-hunting, black-listing crap darkened our national door? So much of it seems similar - just scratch out the word "Commie" and insert the word "terrist." Just a recurring nightmare. And fifty years from now, if people aren't vigilant, and if our progressive renaissance (that WILL help to uplift this country once we get back into power) leaves people over the years feeling fat, comfy, and complacent and given over to whiling away our time on superficial crap. If that happens, there will be another despot who slithers his way into power again. God only knows what might happen then. This one's bad enough. I'm just hoping we get out of it alive, as a species, and as a planet - let alone as a country!
But I'm not worried about our kids wondering how fucking stupid we must have been to allow this man in office. Not a bit. OUR kids will know, and mention to their kids, how we resisted it and fought against it, and marched, wrote, petitioned, phoned, nagged, protested, boycotted, begged, pleaded, and gave repeatedly of our time, money, and legwork. They'll know that WE didn't drink the Kool-aid, and remained resolute AGAINST it. And I dare say the young people around YOU will remember that about you, too. Indeed, I'll betcha time will come when the opposition WE ALL staunchly upheld and pressed forward and struggled to keep viable until we could reach critical mass, many of us from the get-go of this horrorshow, will be spoken about with the same positive fascination and admiration as the French Underground sometimes is, or the Underground Railroad during the depths of our slavery period, or the way the Brits stood up to the blitzkrieg. I'll proudly tell my grandchildren (assuming I have any) that I, too, was part of the American Resistance - the Progressive Underground, if you will - at the beginning of the 21st Century, and that I was NEVER fooled. That describes YOU, TOO, and EVERYBODY who posts and lurks here, and elsewhere within the progressive movement, and promotes the Good Guys'. Think of it: WE are the true sons and daughters of Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Thomas Paine, Sam Addams, Paul Revere, and others who defied the king AND the tyranny. We knew it was bullshit. We smelled a rat straight away. We were NEVER fooled OR taken in. Or cowed. Or bullied. Sometimes we got down and depressed because up til recently we seemed to be swimming against the current. But that's all changed now.
I figure that EVERYTHING that EVERYBODY does here, no matter how seemingly small or "insignificant," is part of this Great Resistance movement. You think all you do is read and maybe debate with some posters about stuff? Some people here claim they're not very good at writing, or that they're just one small person, a teeny little David up against the Goliath of All Nightmares, that it's no use, that rove is too all-powerful, that bush sold his soul to the Devil (no other way to explain why so much went so undeservedly well for him, personally, for so long), that our "reps" are useless and spineless and that we're adrift, alone, silenced, abandoned, unheard.
BULLSHIT. The few minutes someone spends here (and all over the progressive world, where ideas are debated and shared) might just a) arm them with some new fact or argument against some freeper neighbor, relative, coworker or email-sender. b) confirm their growing suspicions that they're NOT crazy and CERTAINLY NOT alone. c) alert them to news or new developments. d) provide links to more research material - that enables some here to become respected experts on various issues. e) provide encouragement and hope that all is NOT lost, and that one is NOT helpless.
I could go on and on, but that'd be boring!!!
Sorry this is so long. But I just had to sound off. Our kids will NOT wonder how fucking stupid WE were. Because WE fought this with everything we've got. With all our hearts, and every ounce of our energy and brainpower.
And WE can hold OUR heads high.