Ladies and Gentlemen, I have alluded to it, talked around it, and now, I am going to tell you all how we can take back the House, Senate, Presidency, and the Nation.
First, we can't do it with Scandal alone. I will grant you that Scandal doesn't help the incumbents, however we need something else, something we have been missing, and something we have forgotten over the years. We need to tell the voters who we are, what we stand for, and what we believe. We don't need Gravitas, we need Genuine.
What do I mean when I say we need Genuine? I mean we throw the polls away, reading the polls told us that Kerry would win, and we would win back the House and Senate in 2004. We have Karl Rove's briefing on the election of 2000 and 2002, including his analysis, and we didn't learn from it. We need to stop hiring consultants to tell us how to act like something we aren't, the people see that as a weakness, and they reject it.
Do you think that all the people who voted for Bush agreed with Bush in 2004? The truth is no, but they saw him as more real, more Genuine than they saw Senator Kerry. They saw Senator Kerry as a wishy washy flip flopper who would say what he thought the people wanted to hear. That is because John Kerry tried to over explain every nuance of his ideals, beliefs, and every vote he ever cast in the Senate. The Swift Boaters were ignored for too long, and when responded to, it was sporadic and lethargic in nature. The people may think that Bush is not too smart, but they saw him being himself, sure he is uncomfortable in public, but most average people ARE uncomfortable speaking in public, and can forgive that.
Polish doesn't mean Professional, or Perfect. A used car salesman is obviously a used car salesman. He (forgive the Masculine only, however the language limits my choices for the straw man) acts, dresses, and practices his arguments, delivery, and behavior to fit it's use. He is a used car salesman, yet aren't we drawn to the guy who is just one of us? Aren't we all drawn to the salesman who isn't perfectly dressed, but speaks like we do? Aren't we put off by that polished professionalism because we can sense it's phony?
We have a new Executive at work, and he is every inch the executive, from his silk ties to his polished shoes. His shirts are custom, obviously, and his suit is tailored to perfection. He drives the right car, lives in the right neighborhood, and uses words like Paradigm to describe his changes. The workers mutter bullshit under their breath after listening to him, they don't trust him, and probably never will. The hourly folks trust the managers who appear not as a page from a magazine on how to be an executive, but are regular people.
What did the average people think about Ronald Reagan, right or wrong? They thought he was witty, smart, and above all, honorable. You don't dress witty, you don't dress intelligent, and you can't ever pretend to be someone like Bush, Clinton, Reagan, or Kennedy (JFK not Ted). These people were who they were, the suit was the uniform, not who they were. Kennedy had that class, that charm, and a genuine appeal that attracted people to HIM and his beliefs. Clinton had similar attributes, which is why he was a Popular President with a majority of the people.
Be yourself, don't try and be a version of the other guy, don't try and speak like a common man if that isn't how you speak. George Will is respected, because of who he is, not what they want him to be. I know, I keep mentioning the enemy, the Repugniks, but we are looking for what makes them successful, not what we hate about them.
Walk out there, tell the people you are for amnesty,(if you are in favor of it) and here is why. Don't worry about the Polls, the polls had us winning by a landslide. Diebold had some to do with that, but we can't blame it all on the blasted machine.
Gore lost his home state, a state he carried as a Senator, and a State which supported Clinton for how long? Why? Al Gore is a Wonk, and he ran from that because he was afraid it would intimidate the average person. He tried to be a "regular guy" and it didn't fit him, people saw that, and didn't like it. He polled higher (I know, I just said ignore the polls, but you will see the reason) before the "alpha male" change, and did better being the firebrand we knew he was deep down inside. He electrified the audience when he was speaking about issues he was passionate about. Gore then was coached by his experts, and began putting us all to sleep, even those of us who loved and supported him.
Don't be afraid of offending someone, it's impossible to go from cradle to grave without offending someone, pick your target, sure, but don't be afraid that someone will be offended. Don't set out to intentionally offend your target either, make it secondary to your point, the issue you are speaking about.
Example of this is easy. "The Republicans are all corrupt bastards." OK, you have just offended the Republicans, and angered them. Good, now what? Where do you go from there? What is the point of the statement? What did you hope to accomplish? We Democrats KNOW the Republicans are corrupt, you preached to the proverbial choir. The Republicans who have seen a couple of the ten million or so Republicans go down, honestly believe that 99% are honest, and dedicated, so you have solidified their opposition to you. The average Joe has heard that claim from Democrats a million times, and is sick of it, and tunes out the rest of your statement.
Better Example of what we CAN do. "The recent scandals that have rocked Washington have called upon reform which would include Sunshine laws to make all public activity open to the Public Review". You have insulted the Republicans, but not directly, as an aside of the main point, preventing the ability of Future Republicans to hide their corruption. You have suggested a change is needed, and offered a proposal, the "Sunshine laws" popular in many States don't really accomplish much, but they are a starting point to address corruption in elected officials. They focus the attention on the problem, and the solution, and affix the simple ideal that Democrats are in favor of reform to end corruption, and Republicans are in favor of the status quo, which is the corruption.
Which would the people next to you at the Grocery Store hear during the next campaign? A plan to end corruption, and bring Public Officials and corruption into the light of day? Another "God we hate Bush" tirade? We ran on "Any Body But Bush" in 2004, and it wasn't much of a campaign if you ask me.
Ted Kennedy is Genuine, and Hated by the Right for it. They literally hate him with a passion, not one Repugnik mentions his name without Chappaquiddick, drinking, womanizing, or some other slanderous statement attached, yet Kennedy is re-elected because even though all that vote for him don't support 100% of his ideals, they know him to be Genuinely dedicated to them. (I will for the time being ignore the Cape Wind Farm issue that is really pissing me off about him, but that is an issue, not the sum of his elected service).
Be yourself, don't take one someone else's belief and claim it for your own. Dave Barry runs for President as a joke, and his platform is "I believe in whatever you believe in". You can order a Bumper sticker that says Dave Barry supports _______________ (insert cause or right). We are becoming that parody in our elected reality.
The Media, quit trying to be friendly to them. You aren't going to get them to like you, and they won't ever be on your side. When they try and get you off topic with some asinine question, tell them you would be happy to discuss that later, they can call for an appointment (make it for a week or so later) and we can sit down, and discuss it in depth. Stay out of the sound bite, or make the bite one they can't resist using. "Simply put, Exxon is making record profits, and we want to make sure that the public aren't being soaked. We want to see what we as lawmakers can do to help make daily life more consistent and affordable for the public". Follow up quote "It's hard for people to plan for their Children's College when they have to empty the College fund to fill the tank. We want to make absolutely sure that these prices are justified and appropriate."
What do we say? "George Bush is responsible for High Gas Prices, we demand an investigation". Yawn, same song, different words, but same tune. A band called Brooklyn Bounce did that, they made one song, and changed the words to it and renamed it at least twice. Same fucking song, two different titles, different words, but same music. (I know, I bought all both of them thinking I was getting something different, boy was I sorry later.)(The Songs were Born to Bounce, Bass Beat Melody)
Tell the people what YOU think, what YOU want to do, and even if they disagree with one or two issues, they will support YOU and YOUR MESSAGE (I honestly pray it's a Progressive Message) over the party. The man not the party is what just about everyone says, and most people actually mean it.