Since 2002, I have gone to Union Square Park in New York City every May 1st. In 2003, only one other person was there celebrating May Day, a real old-timer, but at least both of us were there celebrating it together. 2004 was larger, and last year was the largest I've seen, and I have high hopes for this year with the Latino community getting even more involved.
My pictures of May Day being celebrated around the US since 2002 is here - is not only celebrated in New York and San Francisco, but Tempe, Houston, Colorado Springs, Atlanta, Louisville, Lawrence, Kansas etc. as the reports show.
I took pictures of the rally and march at Union Square Park last year, as I will again this year -
For those who don't know, May Day commemorates the fight for the eight-hour day which began in Chicago in 1886. It is celebrated around the world as Labor Day and is associated with the workers movement.
On the corporate news, I hear a lot about blue states and red states, Mexicans and "whites". I know this is all nonsense though, things are as they are since the first farmer started tilling the first field, allowing for some idle class parasite to live off his labor - it is the workers and the rentiers, the workers and the idle class, in these days the main idle class rentiers being the capitalists. I will be rallying and marching Monday for workers like me to have the ability to have control over our own labor, and not be shackled by the chains of wage slavery.