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Lessig's glowing review of Edwards's book, Four Trials:

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AP Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-25-03 12:52 AM
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Lessig's glowing review of Edwards's book, Four Trials:
Edited on Thu Dec-25-03 01:00 AM by AP
(this so much the glowing part as it's the part where he segues to arguing that Edwards should make the book available for free on the net)

I should read some other candidate books, and I will. At least a few. And of course, though there is every reason in the world why there should be passion around this candidate, that passion has not taken off. A Senator who refuses PAC contributions, whose campaign has focused on careful and sensible policy, who has come from a mill worker's family to be a candidate for president: one might have predicted more from this campaign.

I've been a skeptic of the campaign, not the man. This book is a perfect example. Edwards is the rare politician who continues to surprise, the more you learn, and surprise in the best possible way. But to learn more, you need to see more than the 30 seconds of politics that is the rhythm of campaigns today. This book could be that for some. Yet it languishes in the 3,000s on Amazon's list, and is being given away as a gift to those who contribute to the campaign.

But contributors are not the sort who need to read this book. Skeptics are. And if you're going to find a way into the hearts of the skeptics, you need to find a different path than all the traditional ways. Dean found that with the strength of a message ramified through the passion of the web. Edwards needs to find that for his story too.
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ochazuke Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-25-03 01:34 AM
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1. bush/ANTI-BUSH
John Edwards: A man who faced trials and overcame them (Didn't need daddy's friends to come in and fix his many screw-ups).

If Bush and Edwards meet, when they shake hands there will be a huge flash of light and the universe as we know it will cease to exist.
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