"Tavis Smiley," PBS's first talk show based on the West Coast, will be fast-paced and aimed at drawing a younger, more ethnically diverse audience than the one that typically watches public TV, its host said.
Smiley, whose punchy, baritone delivery and pointed questions are familiar to his growing National Public Radio audience, is ready to get back on the tube. (His radio program will continue.)
Bill Cosby, Democratic presidential contender Wesley Clark, Newt Gingrich, and Magic Johnson are among the first week's scheduled guests. The series begins after New Year's (locally, it will air at midnight on Channel 2, beginning Jan. 6). It will be paired in many markets with Charlie Rose's talk show.Smiley said he intends his program to be the same kind of forum he's created on NPR's "The Tavis Smiley Show" -- one that challenges its audience to consider issues from new viewpoints and addresses overlooked issues.
"I want to use this show, as I try to do on my NPR show, to introduce Americans to each other. In many ways, we still live in a very segregated country," he said. Source: AP - Boston.com