I've been watching what's been going on with Chris Matthews and his panel. After watching Edwards speech I have to say -- he's really touching me. He's not stirring the same type of passion that Howard Dean has -- Howard Dean motivates. Edwards instead of passion makes me feel compassion.
Clark is still my second choice but tonight Edwards is right on his heels.
Here are my thoughts:
I'm a Howard Dean supporter. I'm rooting for him in New Mexico -- he's doing pretty damn well for someone who's supposed to be dead, and someone who hasn't run any ads.
In the past I rooted for a Dean/Clark ticket, but I think it should be a Dean/Edwards or a Edwards/Dean ticket. Passion and Compassion in a blend that works best. (Or alternatively a Edwards/Clark ticket, but I'll be disappointed.)
I think Dean's strategy is going to pay off. Kerry is going to lose some momentum after tonight because the big talk is going to be about Edwards big win -- especially if he beats Clark in OK.
Right now I'm rooting for Edwards in OK, even though Clark is my second choice -- I think the smaller the field gets the better it is for Dean. Kerry is looking ahead toward Dean in the upcoming states but Edwards is coming up on his rear. Between Edwards siphoning off votes from Kerry, and Deans ability to energize the grass roots and get out the vote... Kerry is going to be hurting.
What a lot of people aren't looking at is the fact that Edwards opted for the campaigning spending limit. He'll run out of money while Howard Dean and John Kerry can keep going, and if Clark is out of the picture that leaves Howard Dean as the only alternative to John Kerry.
Kerry looks like he's going to score a touch down only to be knocked down at the half way mark.
Anyway those are my thoughts. I think it's going to widle down to three candidates Edwards, Dean, and Kerry. I think everyone will be shocked in the near future when Dean comes back into the game swinging.