That Carolina boy has pretty consistantly exceeded expectations. He's got some serious electoral mojo. I'm supporting my man all the way, but I won't hurt a bit if Johnny licks us.
Iowa- he was nowhere. First it was Dean Gephardt, then it was Dean Kerry. Johnny comes along and blows thru 14 points over Dean's head.
New Hampshire- It was gonna be a three way fight with Edwards down in singles south of Lieberman. But Edwards comes within a whisker of nudging Clark right out of the race there.
South Carolina- Five days ago he was neck and neck with Kerry in the Palm Tree State, looking at a 2 pt margin of victory--the sort of thing where the #2 guy says "Ah, that was local loyalty." Nope, Edwards has a 16% point margin of victory there.
Oklahoma- This one hurts a little. It was sposed to be a Clark squeaker over Kerry. That was our survivall strategy. Now it's a nail biter with Johnny edging Kerry out of the silver medal slot by what looks like 1000 votes. I thought Edwards and Clark were drawing from the same pool, but in the Claimjumper State Edwards is hurting Kerry.
Delaware- In the Philadelphia Suburbs Plus a Few Farms State, Edwards is just 26 votes shy of robbing Lieberman of a face-saving exit.
The amazing thing is that Edwards is doing this with almost no money. If Edwards doesn't get the nom, will someone please beg our candidate to give this guy a job? Kerry's the Comeback Kerry; Clark is Ike Washington. But Edwards is the Can-Do Candidate. I'm tipping my big garish Texas Stetson to ya, Senator.