Joe Lieberman bows out.
By William Saletan
Updated Tuesday, Feb. 3, 2004, at 6:59 PM PT
6:55 p.m. PT: Say it ain't so, Joe.Here's Joe Lieberman on TV, quitting the race.I have such fond memories of Lieberman's campaign. Actually, it was never the Lieberman campaign. It was the Joe campaign. The web site was www.joe2004.com. The campaign vehicle was the Joemobile. The blog was www.blogforjoe.com. Why the Joe theme? To identify with the average Joe, I suppose. And maybe because the folks at the Lieberman campaign thought the name Lieberman sounded, well, a bit too Joe-ish.Joe was the heir apparent, Al Gore's right-hand man. A bit too right-hand, as it turned out.