Link: U.S. Ambassadors And Diplomats Endorse Clark
Little Rock - Fifty-five former U.S. ambassadors and diplomats, women and men who have served in some 36 countries during the last four administrations, believe that Wesley K. Clark is the right choice to lead America at this critical time in the world.
"Serving as representatives of the United States has allowed each of us to meet with world leaders and see what terrific leadership looks like," said Cynthia Schneider, Ambassador to theNetherlands and co-chair of Ambassadors for Clark. "We know that the world is more interconnected than ever before, and so the impact of good and bad leadership impacts America and the world more than ever before. Wes Clark appreciates that and ambassadors understand the interconnectedness of the world and the critical need for a new leader to repair and strengthen our global ties."
"I am thrilled by the endorsement of those that have the respect of world leaders on every continent," Wesley Clark said. "They understand the importance of rebuilding America's alliances and restoring our country to a position of leadership based on cooperation and respect."
Ambassadors and Diplomats for Clark grew out of the unique phenomena of the Draft Wesley Clark movement. Not only did Wes Clark receive encouragement to run from thousands of individuals from across the U.S., the letters of support came from people, both U.S. citizens and citizens of many other nations, who understand that Wes Clark is the person we need to lead America at this crucial moment in history. The full list of ambassadors and diplomats is below.
Morton Abramowitz, Ambassador to Turkey and Thailand, Assistant Secretary of State
Brady Anderson, Ambassador to Tanzania.
Christopher Ashby, Ambassador to Uruguay.
Jeff Bader, Ambassador to Namibia, Senior Director National Security Agency
Robert Barry, Administrator, Agency for International Development; Head, OSCE
J.D. Bindenagel, Special Envoy for Holocaust Issues.
Donald Blinken, Ambassador to Hungary
Amy Bondurant, Ambassador to OECD
Avis Bohlen, Ambassador to Bulgaria, Assistant Secretary of State
George Bruno, Ambassador to Belize
Paul Cejas, Ambassador to Belgium
Tim Chorba, Ambassador to Singapore
Bonnie Cohen, Under Secretary of State
Nancy Ely-Raphel, Ambassador to Slovenia
Ralph Earle, Deputy Director of State, Chief U.S. Negotiator, SALT II Treaty
Thomas H. Fox, Assistant Administrator, U.S. Agency for International Development
Mary Mel French, Chief of Protocol
Edward Gabriel, Ambassador to Morocco
Richard Gardner, Ambassador to Italy & Spain
Robert Gelbard, Ambassador to Indonesia & Bolivia, Assistant Secretary of State
Gordon Giffin, Ambassador to Canada
Lincoln Gordon, Ambassador to Brazil, Assistant Secretary of State
Anthony Harrington, Ambassador to Brazil
John Holum, Under Secretary of State
William J. Hughes, Ambassador to Panama
Swanee Hunt, Ambassador to Austria
James Joseph, Ambassador to South Africa
Rodney Minott, Ambassador to Sweden
John McDonald, Ambassador to the United Nations
Stan McLelland, Ambassador to Jamaica
Gerald McGowan, Ambassador to Portugal
Arthur Mudge, Mission Director for Agency for International Development
Lyndon Olson, Ambassador to Sweden
Donald Petterson, Ambassador to the Sudan, Tanzania & Somalia
Kathryn Proffitt, Ambassador to Malta
Edward Romero, Ambassador to Spain & Andorra
James Rosapepe, Ambassador to Romania
Nancy Rubin, United Nations Commission on Human Rights
James Rubin, Assistant Secretary of State
David Sandalow, Assistant Secretary of State
Howard Schaffer, Ambassador to Bangladesh, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State
Teresita Schaffer, Ambassador to Sri Lanka & Maldives
David Scheffer, Ambassador at Large for War Crimes
Cynthia Schneider, Ambassador to the Netherlands.
Derek Shearer, Ambassador to Finland
Richard Schifter, Assistant Secretary of State
Thomas Siebert, Ambassador to Sweden
Richard Sklar, Ambassador to the United Nations
Peter Tarnoff, Under Secretary of State
Peter Tufo, Ambassador to Hungary
Arturo Valenzuela, Senior Director, National Security Council
William Walker, Ambassador to El Salvador & Argentina, Head, Kosovo VerificationMission
Vernon Weaver, Ambassador to the European Union
Phoebe L. Yang, Special Coordinator for China Rule of Law, State Department
Andrew Young, Ambassador to the United Nations