There are a couple of defining reasons why I am pro Edwards.
First, IMO, there are and have been exactly three pro-worker candidates in this campaign. Dick Gephardt, Dennis Kucinich and John Edwards.
Now, despite (fairly) recent switch on abortion, I totally think Kucinich is great and I trust that he would appoint pro choice judges. One problem, because the media defined him as unelectable early on, he is in fact unelectable. In a better world Dennis would probably be my candidate of choice.
Dick Gephardt - here again was a terrificly pro-worker candidate - but - because the media defined him as a washed up Bob Dole he in fact became a washed up Bob Dole and left the race. Also, I don't think he is quite as quick with the thought process or as insperational as either Dennis or JRE.
So - that leaves one candidate - John Edwards.
While I think John Kerry has a decent record on jobs and the minimum wage - I know he has never lived a middle class life - I can't believe that he will ever really truely get it. Yes I am prejuciced towards the very rich, especially inherited wealth, can't help it. As for Clark - I think he brings other things to the table (maybe he could cut the defence budget, military gravitas) but his remark about it being ok to let some jobs go overseas, we would create more - too DLC for my taste.
So for me it's all about who will look out for the working man - who gets what poverty is - who gets the jobs issue. Feeling our pain - I think that's where it's at for me. Also - I think a president should be inspirational and Edwards (along with Kucinich) is the inspirational, forward thinking, candidate.
As for national security and foreign policy - first - I trust John Edwards' innate intelligence - the more I see of him the more I realize he is very smart and a real perfectionist - he doesn't make mistakes - Kerry does and has (especially not obliterating Dean very early while the cameras were still on Kerry - big mistake). Clinton also made mistakes - went off message and had zipper problems - I don't see Edwards making mistakes - incredibly flawless. Edwards campaign has been very smart and I don't ever see him giving answers that can really create any traps, especially a General Election trap.
Second, I think Kerry and Clark have hidden problems on the security issues which will surface in the GE and end up making them actually worse candidates on Security - whereas Edwards can appoint an early shadow cabinet and campaign with them - solving the perception that he doesn't have the credentials while not being called out on their past foibles. As for Kerry's potential problems - by the time the Bush gang is done with him his protesting Vietnam will make him look unamerican - and his international prep school background and foreign born wife will be used to make him seem like a "durn foreigner" (think of the "looks French" meme). Bush will wave more flags and nationalism will win the day. Edwards is as American as apple pie - Bush can't do anything with this. Clark - his waffley answers on Iraq will bite him hard, plus his lack of skill as a campaigner will become a huge problem - and it is already clear that the Bushies are going to lable him as a little crazy, off his rocker. Edwards - they can try to paint him as a light weight but if he doesn't act like a lightweight and goes wonky in the General Election - and he is capable of this they won't succeed. He will do this in the GE - the time isn't right yet - he has to win the primary first.
Also - the reason I think his foreign policy statements have been narrower is not a lack of wonkiness - is a campaign tactic for the primary - first focus on the domestic which is his strength and his campaign theme, second, avoid the landmine of pro or anti war positions, the marker laid out by Dean, which is only a primary and not a General Election, issue thereby not allienating any Democrats. Basically Edwards has consistently laid out the framework for winning against Bush rather than allowing the Bush gang or any primary opponents to frame the issues in a way that is not advantageous. This is smart campaigning.
In order to win we need a smart campaigner, a smart politician, and I think Edwards fills that bill more than any other candidate.