Edwards complains about focus by media and his rivals on Howard Dean Associated Press
Manchester, New Hampshire - Democratic presidential hopefuls Joe Lieberman, John Kerry and Dick Gephardt seem to take any opportunity they can get to criticize Howard Dean, the current leader of the pack. But rival John Edwards, who appeared Monday night on a televised call-in program on New England Cable News, said he's had enough of all the fuss about Dean. "Why are we being asked in a debate whether Howard Dean is going to win?" Edwards asked. He was referring to a recent Democratic debate in which the candidates were asked to raise a hand if they thought Dean could beat President Bush in November. Dean was the only one who did. "My campaign is not about Howard Dean. My campaign is about what John Edwards wants to do for America." (...) "I don't think people care about what so-and-so said seven years ago," said Edwards, a North Carolina senator. "Who cares? What we care about is who has the vision and ideas about where America needs to go." "The Democratic candidates need to get above that," added Edwards, who has more than a passing interest in seeing the spotlight go dark on Dean. Polls show Edwards in single digits in New Hampshire, far behind Dean. (...) "We must recognize that millions of Americans are facing the holidays without a job, and that they need a leader with a detailed plan to get our country back on the track of job growth again," he said. The plan includes eliminating tax breaks for U.S. companies that move overseas, and giving companies a 10 percent tax cut for manufacturing here. Edwards also proposes a national venture capital fund and special tax breaks to help businesses in hard-hit communities, investments in high-tech energy technology and providing universal broadband Internet access within four years. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Edwards -- man with a plan. :toast: :toast: :toast: