Among the current fray of primaries, caucuses and the scourge of Weapons of Mass Distraction unleashed by the Usual Suspects...
Here's a reminder of how strong he is on an issue that is top-of-mind for millions of Americans: JOBS. Within weeks of announcing his candidacy, Wes Clark announced his ambitious $100bn Job Creation Plan.
Pity it doesn't get that much airplay nowadays - here's a recap:
- $40bn over two years: Homeland & Economic Security Fund.
The fund will both create jobs and boost America's defenses by improving port security, investing in critical infrastructure and better equipping first-responders.
- $40bn over two years: State & Local Tax Rebate Fund.
States and local governments are in crisis, staggering under a projected $80 billion deficit. The rebate fund would return money to localities, lessening the need to raise property taxes, fees and university tuition and giving the economy room to create more jobs.
- $20bn over two years: business tax incentives for new jobs.
Clark's plan would give businesses a tax credit of up to $5,000 for every new employee hired in 2004 and 2005, helping to end this jobless recovery.
Source:'s still the economy - and Wes Clark* knows his stuff!
*Wes Clark worked as a White House Fellow, serving as Special Assistant to the Director of the Office of Management and Budget. Before that, he served as an Instructor and Assistant Professor of Social Science at West Point, teaching, among other subjects, political philosophy; prior to that, he studied at Oxford University as a Rhodes Scholar, receiving a Masters Degree in Politics, Philosophy, and Economics.