The Democratic Party isn't the Greens - we win elections (or used to) and exercise clout in society. Greens like to make up wish-lists and run vanity campaigns. The Democratic Party is one of the most diverse social organizations in the world, with Americans of every race, every origin, every religion, every background, and every profession on earth. Greens are mostly college educated white middle class liberals. Some people here get them confused sometimes.
The DLC destroyed the party so much in the 1990s, since they were raking in the big bucks and their jobs seemed safe, the Republicans were able to take over the entire government step by step, branch by branch, while most rank and file Democrats were asleep. The DLC sold us out to the corporations every chance they could, and even picked up Republican rhetoric about "welfare reform", "free trade" and are now attacking unions!
The fact is the corporations prefer Republicans, and the Democratic "leaders" can't even get free dinners from the corporate lobbyists anymore. Dean raised more money than Terry McAullife at the DNC could, and the DLC has had most of it's bribe, er, contribution money cut off.
Here's a chance for progressives - and anyone else - to take a piece of the Democratic party for yourselves. It's not about principle, it's about clout. Organize, and learn to cooperate with other organizations. Enough of my ranting! Here's the addresses!
The Progressive Caucus. The Main Progressives of the Democratic Party. The main opponent of the DLC. Home to the illustrious Dems like Barbara Lee, Dennis Kucinich, Paul Wellstone, Jerry Nadler, Bernie Saunders, Jesse Jackson Jr. and so many others. These are the best of the best: National CommitteeThe Democratic National Committee (DNC) is the Democratic Party National Headquarters. The DNC's objective is to elect Democratic candidates around the country, fundraise to assist their candidates to run for public office, to educate Americans in the ways of Democratic political philosophy, and to increase Democratic membership. The DNC's number one objective is to elect a Democrat to the White House. The DNC is made up of different departments such as: Campaign, Commincations, Research, Outreach, Chairman's Office, and Finance. Info on the DNC staff and structure can be found at: Their contact information is as follows: Democratic National Committee, 430 South Capitol St SE, Washington, DC 20003. Their phone number is 202-863-8000. When inquiring about employment, it is best to address your letter to the Director of a specific department rather than the DNC in general. Their web-site is:
Democratic Senatorial Campaign CommitteeThe Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) is the National Democratic Senate Campaign Headquarters. The DSCC's objective is to elect a Democratic majority to the U.S. Senate. Their contact information is as follows: Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, 430 South Capitol St SE, Washington, DC 20003. Their phone number is 202-224-2447. Their web-site is: Democratic Congressional Campaign CommitteeThe Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) is the National Democratic House Campaign Headquarters. The DCCC's objective is to elect a Democratic majority to the U.S. House. Their contact information is as follows: Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, 430 South Capitol St SE, Washington, DC 20003. Their phone number is 202-863-1500. Their web-site is: Democratic Leadership CouncilThe DLC's mission is to promote public debate within the Democratic Party and the public at large about national and international policy and political issues. Specifically, as the founding organization of the New Democrat movement, the DLC's goal is to modernize the progressive tradition in American politics for the 21st Century by advancing a set of innovative ideas for governing through a national network of elected officials and community leaders. (For more about the DLC, click here.) The DLC's address is 600 Pennsylvania Ave., SE, Suite 400, Washington, DC 20003. Phone: (202) 546-0007. Fax: (202) 544-5002. Web Address:
New Democratic NetworkNDN promotes a new generation of leaders who advocate economic growth and fiscal responsibility, strong American leadership in world affairs and world markets, a smaller, smarter government, and a progressive approach to social issues that respects family, faith, and community. (For more about NDN, click here.) NDN's address is 777 North Capitol Street, NE, Suite 410, Washington, DC 20002. Phone: (202) 544-9200. Fax: (202) 547-2929. Web Address:
21st Century Democrats21st Century Democrats, formerly Democrats 2000, was founded by progressive Democratic officials to give progressive and populist candidates the support they need to win elections. Their contact information is as follows: 21st Century Democrats, 1311 L Street, NW, Suite 300, Washington, DC 20005, Phone - 202-626-5620. The web-site is: