you can send email now. You can send questions, thoughts, etc to letter I sent follows:
I’m glad you’re speaking with Roy Neel. Governor Dean has been the subject of a media assault for months. He’s been portrayed as gaffe-prone, angry and unelectable. Your station alone portrayed the “scream” about 673 times in 2 or 3 days. Governor Dean spoke his mind when the democrats in Congress were rolling over. Governor Dean has raised the bar in this election because he wants a better America. What you have characterized as his anger was nothing more than his refusing to roll over, and his insisting on his right to speak up about important issues. Speaking up in Bushes empire is an act of courage, in this age where a man like Max Cleland is painted as unpatriotic. Governor Dean’s “scream” was misportrayed, and ABC, at least, had the courage to apologize for depicting it as they did. From the audience, the audience had a hard time hearing him. There were 3,500 Americans from all over the country who canvassed for Dean in New Hampshire. It was his responsibility to speak inspiringly to these people, I would have thought less of him had he licked his wounds and given no thought to the disappointment felt among his supporters. It would, of course, be nice if you media folks had the cajones to play an apology 723 times in 2 or 3 days.
The media was happy to portray Governor Dean in a negative light, and they’re now happy to portray him as a dead candidate. But consider this. Governor Dean sent an email in the wee-hours of Thursday morning, saying it’s “do-or-die” time and asked for donations amounting to $700,000 by Sunday. Guess what. Roughly 14 hours after that email was sent out, we are about the break $700,000 with the average donation averaging between $70-80. I will be very surprised if we don’t break $1 million within 24 hours. And it’s because we believe in this man, his honesty, his integrity, his compassion, and his ability to get things done. Governor Dean is our best, our last, our only hope for the presidency of a nation in which I would want my children to grow up in.
There ends the letter, and Kerry supporters, please note, I didn't say a single word about him.