This just got locked in GD. Not sure why.
I know you are an honorable man. I marched along side you during the Seattle protests of the illegal and immoral Iraq war. I have listened to you speak and have roundly defended you to those who would disparage your character.
I now need something from you. I need you and other like minded democrats to form an alliance to restore the power of the PROGRESSIVE wing of our party. The DLC and NDN has corrupted the vision of our party and now has our represetatives beholden to corporations rather than the people they supposedly represent. We need a grassroots, populist group who gains its power from the people rather than BIG BUSINESS. Howard Dean, love him or hate him, has shown us that such a thing is feasible. Form an Anti-DLC. Form the American Populist Democrats.
The progressives and liberals of the party must band together and follow his populist example. The DLC NDN is destroying our party. Under their watch we have lost both houses, the white house and many Democrat Governors. We have had enough of their "leadership."
If things don't change the Democrats will cease to be a viable option for me and many like me. People like yourself could stop a large exodus by standing up to the DLC. Please help me. Please help the party.