I find this fact amazing
Per Kerry's website Kerry has raised $1.4M from 1/27 to 2/4 That's eight days (about $175,000 per day)
Dean was asking for $700,000 in 7 days and got over $800,000 in ONE day!!!!!
All this money didn't come from a small group of people. Dean has the support out there, but all you hear on the news is Dean can't win and Kerry is unstoppable. Funny there's still about 40 more primaries and the DNC is telling Dean to drop out. In fact they made that statement after only 2 Primaries.
I've looked at the figures from the FEC (reports on campaign contributions) and the only Democrat that comes close to the support Bush has in the amount of contributors, money contributed, etc. is Dean.
I truelly believe that BushCO didn't want to go against Dean. They really wanted to go against Kerry. Here is a few reasons why I think that.
Dean got tons more negative media than Kerry is getting now. Especially from the GOP. Oh sure they have said a few things, but I barely see any of it on the media. In fact it usually dies down after a day. It was reported that just prior to the Iowa caucus Dean was getting about 45% negative ads while Kerry and Edwards were barely getting any. If the front runner gets most of the negative ads, where is all the negative Kerry ads now?
In fact why was the conservative group Growth for America doing a negative ad against Dean in Iowa. If the GOP REALLY wanted Dean to get the nomination so Bush could "easily" beat him why attack Dean. Why not attack Kerry/Edwards/Gephart. Most of the GOP focus was on Dean to get him out of the race. Remember Gillespie "Please nominate Dean, Bush will crush him" Why would they tell us that? Why not build Dean up and beat up on Kerry if they REALLY wanted to face Dean for the easy victory.
The scream that wasn't a scream we are still hearing about that and told that it shows Dean as an angry candidate. Funny that wasn't the impression of the people that were actually at the event. It actually pumped them up. Kerry makes the statement that he doesn't need the South and I only heard about it for a day. Where is all the media bashing Kerry for making a dumb statement. When Dean made a comment on Canadian TV about 3 years ago against the Iowa caucus it was reported over and over for a week. Kerry makes a comment about the South and it's forgotten after a day.
Bushco would rather go against Kerry, because he is a known quantity. He has a very established record and it will be easy to mold the campaign ads against him. Dean was an unkown quantity. They didn't know where to place him. They tried to make him out as a far left liberal, but his record as a fiscal conservative was unshakable. Dean could have brought in disgruntled Republicans with his record of balancing the budget. Dean could get Republican votes, Kerry will not. Remember this nation is split 50-50 you have to get the other side to break ranks.
Here is an acticle that sums it up
http://www.commondreams.org/views04/0203-04.htmThis country has shifted to the conservative side and only someone that can appeal to both the Democrats and Republicans will get nominated. Why do you think Bush is doing all these social programs (very un-Republican) to get the swing votes. Remember it took Democrats in DC to get some of Bush's spending bills through congress (Health care, No Child left behind)