Edited on Fri Sep-01-06 06:03 PM by TahitiNut
As I've posted several times in past years on DU, I believe it's highly likely that the Reich-Wing will 'martyr' Junior some time in early to mid 2008. Their 'perfect' scenario would first include replacement of Cheney (for health reasons) with some intended successor to the role of Puppet-in-Chief ... say, perhaps, George Allen or Bill Frist. Then, that person would become a candidate in 2008.
Junior is a foreseeable liability. Without the hordes of sycophants and courtiers and enablers (all on the taxpayers' dimes) and the resources of the Presidency (AF-1, Marine-1, Offal Orifice, Camp David, etc.) there's no way he wouldn't become a loose cannon - a pathological Narcissist deprived of a narcissistic supply-on-steroids.
But ... as a 'martyr' he'd become the GOP's JFK ... and they'd salivate to have such a 'false god' to wave in front of the spittle-bedecked, drooling, knuckle-dragging morans who are addicted to such pseudo-patriotic Viagra.
I doubt that they can resist the temptation. Nothing is beneath them.
Dear Agent Mike: In no way, shape, or form do I wish or propose any threat to the health and well-beeing of the President. Indeed, I advocate his incarceration for 20-years-to-life in a padded cell after impeachment, indictment, conviction and imprisonment for war crimes. Due process. It's the "American Way."