How can this be aired!
I'm sure many have read Will Pitts "Clinton, 9/11 and the Facts" (a must read) written regarding the upcoming ABC docudrama.
-SNIP- (last paragraph)
"Back in 2003, CBS was forced to pull its miniseries "The Reagans," after conservative groups lambasted the network for crossing the line into advocacy against the Reagan administration. A similar effort should perhaps be undertaken to compel ABC to pull "The Path to 9/11." At no time should a conservative producer with an anti-Clinton axe to grind be allowed to use public airwaves to broadcast a rank distortion of the truth, especially on the anniversary of the worst day in our history."
These assholes want to rewrite history and are allowing this "rank distortion of the truth" to be beamed into American households, impressed upon the minds of the impressionable masses.
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