How to frame the "Islamic fascist" thing"
Clearly, Bush and Co. are stuck in the past, fighting a long-ago war against a long-gone enemy instead of fighting the war we face now.
We face a determined group of Islamic fundamentalist radicals who seek to establish a theocratic Muslim caliphate. They are not "fascists," they are nothing like fascists. In many ways they are worse. But they simply do not share the goals of the fascists, which included the creation of a "corporate state." They also don't operate like fascists or think like them. We can't defeat them if we act as if they do.
If we want to defeat the enemy, we need to understand the enemy. Pretending that they are a bunch of goose-stepping followers of Benito Mussolini won't give us the edge we need.
We need leaders willing to engage and defeat the enemy we face now, not the enemy of 60 years ago.
The Democrats know this. And we are determined to defeat the Islamic fundamentalist radicals.