War Veterans Lend Support to Lieberman in TV Ads
Published: September 2, 2006
http://www.nytimes.com/2006/09/02/nyregion/00lieberman.htmlHARTFORD, Sept. 1 — An independent group, Vets for Freedom, will begin sponsoring television commercials early next week for Senator Joseph I. Lieberman, thanking him for his support of the war in Iraq. Vets for Freedom is a group of veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan
and has ties to top Republican leaders.
The ads feature four Connecticut veterans, who look directly at the camera and appear to finish one another’s sentences, after introducing themselves as veterans of the wars. “When we were over there, it was important to know that someone had our back,’’ one veteran says. “Like Senator Lieberman,” adds a second. The ad continues with four phrases, with each veteran saying one: “No matter how complicated it got,’’ “He was there for us.’’ “Now that we’re home, we’re here for him.” “He stood with troops and their mission.”
The ads will begin on Wednesday, with the group spending $75,000 to $100,000 for two days’ viewing, primarily on cable news stations, but also on network affiliates in Hartford. The group plans to continue the campaign through the election cycle and will probably do another commercial, advisers to the group said.
The group is receiving advice from Taylor Gross, a former White House official; Bill Kristol, the editor of The Weekly Standard; and the Republican strategist Dan Senor. Mr. Lieberman’s former chief of staff, Bill Andresen, is also helping the group, which by law is prohibited from communicating with the campaign.