I listened to him throughout the invasion of Iraq--thinking that I might get some better information from public radio than I was getting from the New York Times and the rest of the war profiteering corporate news monopoly press.
He lied with the best of them. Damned lies. Outright lies. Lies we all knew to be lies.
I have no respect for him. None.
This is the chorus of lies and deceit--NYT, WaPo, NPR--who cheered on the slaughter of some 100,000 innocent Iraqis, and the torture of many more, and the looting of our federal treasury, as well as the looting of Iraq, and the destruction of that country and its descent into civil war.
A more disgusting bunch of government lapdogs we have never seen--except inside Stalin's Russia and Hitler's Germany. And maybe in North Korea and Uzbekistan.
And we are supposed to chow down on their latest bullshit--that Richard Armitage outed Valerie Plame and the entire CIA WMD counter-proliferation network that she was head of?*
It's utter crap. It's a coverup--and only the latest of a Byzantine maze of coverups of treason and possibly murder.*
One of their coverup strategies was to plant seeds all over town--they called at least half a dozen reporters, in this effort--to make it appear that "everybody knew." They wanted these "seeds" to come back to them, so they could say, "Oh, yeah, I heard that from so-and-so." Armitage fits right into this strategy--as the latest planter of "seeds." The fact missing from this version of the coverup--as from all of them--is the SECOND outing, of the entire Brewster-Jennings counter-proliferation network (four days after the Plame outing--in a second column by Novak). This second outing goes way, way beyond being either a mistake of gossip (Armitage) or political revenge (Rove). It was an act that put peoples' lives in immediate danger, and destroyed an entire counter-proliferation project, twenty years in the making. It was a gauntlet thrown down at the feet of the CIA. And nobody does that--nobody!--on their own initiative at Armitage's and Rove's level. That had to come from Bush, Cheney or Rumsfeld, or all three.
*(There were TWO outings. The outing of Valerie Plame, on July 14, 2003, by Novak. And the outing of Brewster-Jennings, the entire counter-proliferation network, on July 22, 2003--also by Novak--this latter putting all of our covert counter-proliferation agents/contacts around the world at risk of getting killed, and disabling all projects, at a time when our government was obsessed with WMDs and the national security issues around them. Now explain THAT to me. Just that part. Not just HER name--but ADDITIONALLY, the name of her entire network. And now explain this: In between those dates, on July 18, 2003--four days AFTER Plame was outed, and four days BEFORE Brewster-Jennings was outed--the British chief WMD expert, David Kelly-- who had been whistleblowing anonymously to the BBC about the exaggerated pre-war WMD intel (late May)--was found dead, under highly suspicious circumstances, and his office and computers were searched. One more thing: David Kelly was mysteriously outed to his bosses in late June, and was interrogated at a "safe house" and threatened with the Official Secrets Act. On July 7, a week before Plame was outed, Tony Blair was informed that David Kelly "could say some uncomfortable things." (Hutton Report.) Not HAD said. COULD say. A week later, Plame is outed. Four days later, Kelly is dead. Four days after that, Brewster-Jennings is outed. If this was the work of Richard Armitage--innocently gossiping to his DC buddies about Plame's identity--I'll eat my computer. There is something very big here being covered up--beyond all these outings. My best guess: A Bushite/Blairite scheme to PLANT nukes in Iraq--following up on the Niger nuke forgeries--to be "discovered" by the U.S. troops in Iraq who were so avidly "hunting" for the WMDs that everybody knew weren't there. Connective tissue: Judith Miller (major Iraq war propagandist for the NYT), who was accompanying the U.S. troops who were "hunting" for those fabled WMDs, and to whom David Kelly wrote one of his last emails, on the day he died, in which he expressed concern about "the many dark actors playing games." What could David Kelly have known, that could have gotten him killed? What were they searching for in his office and computers, after he died? The name of the someone or someones in the Brewster-Jennings network who had FOILED the planting of phony nukes in Iraq. Blair knew that Kelly knew "some uncomfortable things" on July 7. Plame outed July 14. Kelly, killed for knowing too much, July 17-18. They found out more--and on July 22 outed the entire BJ network, putting all coverts connected in any way with that network at great risk of getting killed.)