the article linked below says that the US government is fighting back against a wave of 9/11 "conspiracy theories" ... some press reports suggest that as many as one out of three Americans believes the US government blew up the WTC ...
the point worthy of focus here is NOT to get into yet another discussion of Mihop and Lihop and tin foils ... the point is that Americans, even looking at the most heinous conspiracy theories possible, no longer believe what they are told by their own government ...
during their recent book tour, 9/11 Commission heads Thomas Kean and Lee Hamilton made it painfully clear that their official 9/11 investigation was blocked and resisted at every possible turn ...
by what madness does the government now expect to have anyone listen to anything they have to say??? ... it is the epitome of arrogance to expect blind acceptance to whatever their latest propaganda campaign is ... if they want credibility on the issue, they need to stand before America and DEBATE the issue with their harshest and most knowledgeable critics ... to merely spew out press releases without a proper, unrestricted inquiry is no longer going to fly ... the days of blind obedience and silent acceptance are over ...
one thing's for sure, Americans do NOT know the truth about what happened on 9/11 ... when the official inquiry results in a huge cover-up, one "theory" is as valid as the next ... those who think themselves "oh so wise and rational" and who "know" that the wacko conspiracy theorists are just deceiving themselves, in truth no nothing at all ... the watch words remain: "trust no one" ...
source: rebuts 9/11 homegrown conspiracy theoriesThe United States government is attacking conspiracy theories about the destruction of the World Trade Center in New York as the fifth anniversary of September 11 approaches.
According to a Scripps Howard/Ohio University poll carried out in July, more than one-third of Americans suspect U.S. officials helped in the September 11 attacks or took no action to stop them so the United States could later go to war.
The State Department responded this week with a rebuttal of World Trade Center demolition theories and doubts about other events of the day that abound on the Internet.