With all he well-deserved outrage over Rumsfeld's
ridiculous comparison of those against the Bush Administration's Iraq quagmire (non)policy to the appeasers of Hitler in the runup to World War Two, I was really surprised I saw little mention of the fact that those who sought to appease Hitler, and in many cases ally with him in the fascist cause,
Seems logical once you realize what was at play then.
Rumsfeld’s right wing talking point that is around now has its roots in a hoary old chestnut Charles Krauthammer trots out
whenever the mood suits him. He is fond of this quote
"Lord, if only I could have talked with Hitler, all this might have been avoided."
-- Idaho Senator William Borah, upon hearing of the Nazi invasion of Poland
What an appeasing, sniveling weasel! Why, no one could talk to Hitler! No one can talk to Islamofascists! ( The terms ”Islam “ and “ fascist “ go together like “Joshua tree” and “sea sponge” but that’s another post for another day)
Except, in this case, we forget that Borah , and those who came around at the same time, like the Silvershirts, American hero Charles Lindbergh, Father Coughlin, America First Committee, Henry Ford, W’s Grandfather Prescott Bush and his partner Averill Harriman, the Copperheads, all were members of or supported the
Republican cause.
But beyond that they were all ardent fascists in one form or another. The great journalist Eric Sevaried actually got his start chasing these right-wing
fascist movements around Minnesota.
The directly traceable
roots of America's right-wing fascist enablers sees common threads in industry scions and politicos of the American right that lead directly to those in power today. This fact is often lost among the outrage and hue and cry of those who hope for their America to have a more democratic and humanist face. Like the one we were all taught exists as a shining beacon on a hill. Remember that? Public school? In the 50’s? The 60’s ? I do. And I bought into it.
Yet it seems more and more, our hopes, our inculcations of what this country is and should be, are attacked as “un-American”. Now we find ourselves compared to what was, in an ironic yet classic neocon tango, a movement which was actually rooted in right wing Republicanism.
I keep hoping these guys are just a bad joke, that someone, particularly those who still see fit to support these bozos, will wake up one day and realizes this IS the second coming of the fascist movement, and this isn’t the Boys from Brazil, this isn’t a Germanic-named city council in Paraguay, this is today’s Right wing republican movement. And those guys, the warmongers and profiteers of today, would be quite comfortable in 1930's America, despising Roosevelt then as now.
Sieg fucking heil, y'all