Edited on Sun Sep-03-06 12:08 PM by nickshepDEM
Log of MTP Debate - Santorum vs. Casey
The first question of the gates dealt with Iraq.
*Casey stumbled and really dodged the question of whether or not he would vote for the war based on what we know today.
*Santorum still believes it was a war of necessity not a war of choice. Santorum also went on to say, "Rumsfeld is doing a fine job".
*"I belive he (President Bush) has been a terrific President" - Rick Santorum
*Casey called for Rumsfeld's resignation.
*Both disagree with Kerry's amendment that would withdrawal all troops by 2007.
*Regarding WMD in Iraq, Santorum said, "We found WMD in Iraq". Russert bounced back with a couple quotes from Bush, which concedes no WMD in Iraq.
*Casey highlighted the Senate (and Santorum's) failure to provide adequate body Armour for troops.
*Here is one of Casey's highlights from the debates: Regarding Osama Bin Laden "Is Bin Laden a dead terrorist or dead Islamic fascist, that’s right he's still alive". You wouldn’t understand this one unless you were watching, but it was a pretty nice rebuttal on Casey's part.
*Russert and Casey at times seemed to tag team Santorum on voting with Bush 98% of the time. Casey used the rubber stamp line several times.
The Budget
*Casey says get back to fiscal discipline, repeal tax cuts for people making over $200,000 a year, close offshore tax loop holes, create corporate welfare commission.
*Santorum nails Casey for not proposing a single cut. Also says Casey and his party want to raise taxes.
Social Security
*Russert nailed Santorum on a quote from the 1990's. It went something like this - "Retirement at age 65 is ridiculous, it should be pushed back to 70, possibly even further. Also said raising taxes were an option to fixing the problem".
*Santorum clearly articulated his 3-step plan for Social Security, also highlighted his 'SS Guarantee Act'.
*Casey really failed to capitalize on SS. He somewhat redeemed himself later by calling Rick's bill 'Snake Oil' and a desperate scheme to privatize SS. He really missed a big opportunity here.
On Abortion
*Both are pro-life
*Casey supports morning after pill, says medical research claims it is not abortion.
*Santorum disagrees and says he does not support morning after pill
*Santorum says Casey's father would be disappointed in his sons support.
*Russert points out that Santorum supports abortion in the case of rape or incest, which is a hypocritical stance if he believe life begins at conception.
Ed Rendell
*Russert pulled up a quote from July 2006 that stated 'Santorum delivers for Pennsylvania'.
*Casey basically responded by saying Rendell supports my campaign and we are thankful for his support.
On Santorum's residency
*Russert nailed Santorum with a previous campaign spot in which Santorum attacked his opponent for not spending enough time in the district. Russert claims Santorum has done the same thing. Casey agrees.
Pay Raise
*Santorum slammed Casey for not stopping state pay increase.
*Casey responds with - "You pledged to never take a pay raise and since then you have voted for 3"
The thing that really caught my eye was Casey's composure. Every time he responded to a question or remark, he was always very calm and composed. I believe that came off well. Rick seemed a little 'hyper' and a bit aggressive. I guess that’s just his style, but it didn’t come off too well.
Some people were claiming this debate would be a total massacre... Sorry, but it just didn’t happened.