. . .It is about operating on belief v. knowledge (You'll find some thoughts on Belief People v. Knowledge People
Belief people adopt ideas from other people. The process of adopting ideas from other people rather than independent reasoning is at the core of being a belief person, so being people-focused is definitely associated with being a belief person. That is, belief people -- and therefore a vast majority of the right -- are focused on people, not ideas.
For the reactionary right, it is all about demonizing and blaming the "bad' people. People on the right often seem to be stuck at the Pre-Conventional stage of moral development -- i.e., Obedience and punishment orientation; Self-interest orientation. This tendency too is related to the tendency to focus on people rather than ideas.
When things go wrong, they don't look for systematic forces that could be changed to prevent the wrong, they look for wrong-doers to blame and punish. Such demonizing all too often goes hand and hand with the so-called "social issuee."
For example, instead of looking for systematic changes to prevent the exploitation of undocumented workers here, they focus on the perceived culprits -- the undocumented workers -- and say "send them home."
For folks who identify as Conservative, "social issues" trump everything else only when they have shifted into "Get 'em, Get 'em" mode -- and propagandists on the right have been VERY good at keeping these folks in "Get 'em, Get 'em" mode.
This tendency would also be activated if members of Congress demanded Impeachment, loud and clear. Something the Dems don't get is that if they went after Bush full bore, the Get 'em, Get 'em people would jump on board.