Team Bush Ramps Up Rhetoric on Iraq and War on Terror
Sunday, September 03, 2006,2933,212022,00.html
FRED BARNES, CO-HOST: Mort, "Hot Story" number one: "Iraq Attack." Not in Baghdad; I'm talking about as we move into this midterm election campaign, as we will after Labor Day, Iraq as an attack issue in the campaign, now by Republicans — obviously Democrats are going to use it their way as well.
Now remember what is supposed to be the strategy of Republicans in this midterm election, and that is to make it individual races — a choice in these individual districts, and Senate races and so on, not a referendum on the president, on his presidency, on his policies. But, you know, with what's going on now, it looks like they're not implementing that yet.
President Bush in particular; Don Rumsfeld, the secretary of Defense; Vice President Cheney; even occasionally Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice giving these very aggressive speeches defending the administration's policy in Iraq, and attacking the "Defeatocrats." That's Democrats.
You like that? "Defeat-ocrats"? Anyway, attacking them for wanting to pull out of Iraq and how horrible that would be. Listen to President Bush when he talked about this — where was this speech? In Utah, at the American Legion.