Santorum Defends President, Iraq War
Senator Backs Bush During Debate
By Charles Babington
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, September 4, 2006; Page A04
....In his first and perhaps only debate with Democratic challenger Bob Casey Jr., Santorum lived up to his reputation as a feisty, unapologetic conservative, even though it has caused him problems in moderate-voting Pennsylvania. Ignoring Casey's taunts that he is a "rubber stamp" for Bush, Santorum embraced the president and most of his anti-terrorism policies.
"I think he's been a terrific president, absolutely," Santorum said in the nearly hour-long debate on NBC's "Meet the Press." Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld -- whose resignation is being sought by some Republican candidates -- "has done a fine job," he said, and "there is no question that the Iraq war should have commenced."
Polls consistently have shown Casey, the state treasurer and son of a popular former governor, leading Santorum. Democrats see the race as among their two or three best chances for gaining a Senate seat on Nov. 7, although Santorum has a record of winning tough elections. Santorum, who has asked for many debates, spent much of the hour portraying Casey as a bob-and-weave politician unwilling to take stands on tough issues.
Moderator Tim Russert tried to pin down Casey on whether he still believes he would have voted to support the Iraq invasion, knowing what is now known about Saddam Hussein's lack of unconventional weapons. "If we knew then what we know now," his vote would be no, Casey said, adding, "I think there wouldn't have been a vote" in the House and Senate under those circumstances....
Democrats hoped to negate some of Santorum's appeal to conservatives and moderates by nominating Casey, who supports gun rights and opposes abortion. But some Democrats worry that Casey is playing it too safe by refusing most debate invitations and offering unspecific solutions to many problems....