Most of us have seen the debate.
Aside from a handful of noobs and a few wannabe-DU'ers, we know that Santorum had his ass handed to him.
So why do you suppose the lame poll that someone on here shared show Mr. Santorum with such a huge lead?And why do you suppose that despite our best efforts of "Du'ing" the poll, the results barely budged"?
Why you might ask....
BECAUSE -->>>> The poll that someone placed on here was created by a "free poll creating service" called The International Polling Service.Anyone can log onto the website and create a poll, and to make it look like it's an actual poll (as someone did to us here), they can cut & paste a photo onto the page.
> the case of the
bogus Casey > Santorum poll, in an attempt to make the poll look more legit, the creator of it pasted a photo of Tim Russert on the poll.
Russert has absolutely nothing to do with that poll. My hunch is that a Freeper started it, and it someone made its way over here.
Here's the thing you need to know though... You can create a poll on that site for FREE, and you can go back in and EDIT it to your heart's content!
If you decide to become a paying ("Supreme Member") I'm sure they'll even let you tamper with them more!
We need to remember when we see fishy polls, that is they were created by "" we should probably avoid them!
Why use a polling service that whoever created the question can just change to the results he wants to see?
Besides... DU allows us to create our own polls here!
If you see another poll by that service - - - - - - BE SKEPTICAL OF THE RESULTS!!!!! They are being heavily tampered with, and I suspect many a freeper paid the extra few bucks to get all the insider tricks on REALLY skewing results..
I'm just saying- - - We're going to see a LOT of polls over the summer, but put that particular one ( on your major SUSPICIONS list and warn everyone else to go check out their site!
NOW I finanlly know why we never made any headway on that poll! The creator of it just kept changing back the results!