CNN's Mary Snow just blatantly played down Republican support for Lieberman by saying that the reason Repubs were'nt supporting their canditate Republican Alan Schlesinger was because his public support was too low to bother with him and that they have chosen to "sit on the sidelines" watching the race. BULLSHIT! The repugs are actively backing Lieberman and leaving their own candidate to founder.
I guess this will be standard operating procedure for CNN, et al, as we near the mid-terms, in violation of the Fairness Doctrine as well as FCC laws pertaining to the ownership of airways by the American people. along the parade route an irate constituent was giving Lieberman a mouthful and got in the way of the Senator's contingent. Apparently, at some point these Lieberman detractors were man-handled by Lieberman's goons and a scuffle and shouting episode ensued. "Shame on you Joe Lieberman!" a Lamont supporter was heard shouting.
Edited to add link: