Lieberman marches alone as former allies surround Lamont,0,6532855.storyWhile prominent Connecticut Democrats surrounded U.S. Senate candidate Ned Lamont at an annual Labor Day parade Monday in Newtown, the three-term incumbent marched several blocks behind with a group of campaign volunteers, a gap that symbolized his split with the party stalwarts who once supported him.
Lieberman, the Democrats' nominee for vice president just six years ago, has launched an independent campaign in an attempt to save his Senate seat after losing to Lamont in last month's primary.
"I'm not about partisan politics," Lieberman said. "I have experience, I have seniority. Lamont is inexperienced. He's partisan."
But Lamont was the Democratic candidate officially invited to march in the Newtown parade, one of the state's biggest traditional campaign season kickoff events.
Parade organizers inadvertently invited Lieberman to march with the town's Democrats when they sent out form letters to sitting Democratic office holders and candidates. Party members there, learning of the mistake, later rescinded the offer in favor of Lamont.>>
I guess there was also some kind of scuffle at this march between a Lieberman/Lamont supporter which was shown on my local Wisconsin news.